Adult’s courses


Adapted for youi!

Teaching English as a foreign language has very few secrets these days. Every now and then there are some innovative ideas and with the explosion of sophisticated technology, techniques have had to adapt. However, basically the principals remain the same.

Before embarking on a new language, every student should have a good look at themselves and ask some pertinent questions:

What do I want from the language?
How far do I want to get with it?
How much work am I prepared to put in?
How much time have I got to give?
How long have I got to learn it?
How long will it take me to reach my objectives?
Is it obligation or desire that motivates me?

Here at Speaker’s Corner of London, we want English to be an adventure and it’s never too late to start.

Whatever your level is, we can help you. There are tons of thousands of students out there who have become disillusioned with the system of education and in particular the teaching of English. The majority never seem to get past Bachillerato’s level (pre-intermediate/ intermediate level). Years of going to private academies, repeating the same courses two, three and sometimes four times, still not feeling confident with their English. Many don’t even get that far.

Here, at Speaker’s Corner, you have to come with an open mind.

To discover the reason for their failure, we have to go back to grass roots. At Primary school, books with pictures, vocabulary and letters of the alphabet. At Secondary school, pretty much the same. More books with pictures, reading books and an attempt to teach the grammar. During this period the children are bored, confused and demotivated. Only a few very clever students or those who have paid to go to private academies, make it through this stage. Most have already given up.

The bulk of the students who stay on for Bachillerato (6th form Collage) are then faced with a dilemma. Almost immediately they are presented with English of a much more demanding level. So, with more books, a lot of hard work and a little compassion from their teachers, many scrape through with a pass. Just enough for them to continue studies elsewhere.

Unfortunately these students, of which there are thousands, never really feel confident about their English. And that’s because they never got the basics right. They never got the chance to speak or actively take part in conversation. They never acquired listening techniques which are necessary to understand the language. The obsession with grammar at early levels is extremely counterproductive.

Here at Speaker’s Corner, from the very beginning, we emphasize both oral and listening techniques. The students, who come here, should come with open minds, and prepare themselves for a new adventure.

For the basic learner, we start in the Present. In our maternal languages we speak 90% of the time using the present tense. So, here we start using listening and oral techniques adapted from native speakers.

Only when the students have dominated the present, can we progress to the other tenses. Of course this takes time. Listening does not come overnight. Pronunciation needs practise and there is a whole world of vocabulary and functional language to take on board.

We mustn’t forget that there are always grammatical structures, but these are incorporated into the dialogues and practical activities, as a native speaker would learn them.

Once the student acquires the vocabulary and listening techniques from the present, everything becomes much easier as we move into the other tenses. Almost without noticing, learning becomes easier and more enjoyable.

For most intermediate learners, there will be a need to implement the basic learning and oral techniques until the student has acquired equilibria with their other more technical skills. Obviously the process will be quicker for these people than the new starters.

For the advanced learners it really depends on how far the students want to go. At Speaker’s Corner, we will help you at every phase to develop your sills. At this level it is very much a case of what you put in, you get out.

To help you along the way, there is a host of activities on offer. Conversation classes, free conversation groups, social gatherings and membership to our exclusive English Club (Click here).

If you are looking for exams . Everything is in place for you to be successful in your quest.



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